Hypnobirthing: The Key to a Calm, Gentle Birth
Do you want to learn the secret to having a calm, gentle birth?
When most women think of giving birth, the words calm and gentle are not the first things that spring to mind. This is because we’ve undergone generations worth of conditioning to fear the child birthing processes. As soon as you get pregnant, everyone and their neighbor is rushing to tell you their scary birthing stories, focusing on pain and confusion, terrifying you for no good reason. Even the way birth is portrayed in movies and on TV is dramatic with lots of screaming and crying, total chaos.
This isn’t the birth journey you are meant to have. When you really think about it, our bodies are specifically and masterfully designed to create, nurture and birth new life. The entire process is designed to be empowering, but we make it difficult when fear and emotions set in. Many pregnant moms are turning to a centuries old practice called HypnoBirthing, brought back onto the scene by Marie Mongan, M. Ed., H. Hy., a respected hypnotherapist and Harvard Fellow.
What is HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing is NOT being HYPNOTIZED. When you use HypnoBirthing, you have full control over your body and mind. It is a set of methods used to bring you to a relaxed state where your body produces endorphins rather than the stress-hormone cortisol. Using breathing exercises, meditation, visualization and other tools, you can bring yourself into a state of self-meditation to remain calm and relaxed during labor and birth. It focuses on the mind-body connection to allow you to have the stress-free birth you were meant to experience.
This method pays due respect to the laboring mother, the birthing partner and all of the medical or birthing support figures involved in your birth. You can achieve HypnoBirthing with a Certified HypnoBirthing Instructor who has the education and experience to help guide you. By shedding the fear, stigma and myths surrounding birth, you can be at peace and actually enjoy this magnificent experience.
Three Key Aspects Of HypnoBirthing
Controlled Breathing. You’ll learn three different controlled breathing exercises that are used to relax the body and the mind. Patterned breathing can help slow your heart rate, relax the body and pull your mind into a state of calmness.
Focusing On Positive Thoughts. Banish all previously heard stories of what birth is “supposed” to be like. Focus on positive thoughts and surround yourself with a shield of good energy.
Guided Visualization And Meditation. Rainbow Relaxation is the cornerstone of HypnoBirthing’s relaxation and visualization program. Using visualization and meditation you can help teach your body to fall into a state of relaxation on demand.
The Important Benefits Of HypnoBirthing
Education and positive affirmations are two of the most important keys to eliminating fear. Women who have prepared for HypnoBirthing are well-informed about the birthing process and have learned to elicit a state of natural and deep relaxation on cue. There are many benefits for everyone involved in a HypnoBirth:
Decreases medical interventions and cesarean rates
Decreases fear, anxiety and tension
Informed decision making and more confidence
HypnoBirthing proves comfort and relaxation during labor.
HypnoBirthing cuts your labor and delivery time in half
Decreases the need for pain medication
You will experience a faster postpartum recovery and have less chance for depression or anxiety after giving birth.
If given a choice, wouldn’t you rather leave anxiety at the door? HypnoBirthing empowers you to enter the birthing room without fear. Women who use these powerful techniques have a different birth story to share with the world and other future mothers. Instead of a labor and birth filled with stress and confusion, they often describe their birth journeys as happy, calm and confident. They understand that their muscles are free to move the baby down and out naturally, unrestricted by clenching and tightening that fear brings. Their positive affirmations and peaceful visualizations help them feel relaxed and happy throughout the process. This is a loving and peaceful story they can tell their children one day, that they can pass down as advice to other parents, and to show the world that birth can be beautiful, gentle and calm.