Doula Services


Benefits of using a Doula.


Decrease in the use of Pitocin.

Decrease in the risk of an unnecessary cesarean.

Increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth.


Decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief.

Decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery.

Increase in satisfaction with the birth experience for both the mom and partner.


A Birth Partnership

Our goal at Happy Birthing is to be able to serve and reach as many families as possible empowering them with the knowledge and tools we can provide. In an effort to serve more families, some of our doula's will be working with a partnership model while others will be giving our clients personalized support. Either way, you will have the benefit of an entire team to support you.

A partnership model means that both doulas will attend pre-natals and consultations. Not only will you get ONE doula to help prepare you for the positive birth experience that you deserve, but TWO doulas. We hope that you are just as excited about this partnership as we are! Whatever doula is “on call” at the time of the birth is the one who will attend the birth.


  • Doula Package


  • Doula & Birth Photo


  • Doula & Birth Video


Package Includes:


30 minute FREE Meet and Greet. We think it is important that we get to know each other and we feel like we are a good fit!


One 90 minute prenatal appointment and access to our “Happy Mama” monthly meet ups.


24/7 on-call commitment starting at 38 weeks



Telephone and/or email support.

You will have the benefit of having access to our “Happy Mama” monthly meet ups. Here you will meet the entire Happy Birthing Team and other couples who are also expecting.

TENS Unit (ask us about it!)


Unlimited professional resources before and after birth, including but not limited to childbirth. Preparation classes, Prenatal Yoga classes, Prenatal and Postnatal massage therapists, Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Lactation Consultants, Postpartum Doula Support, Newborn Photographers and more!

Follow Up.

One optional postpartum visit. It is up to you!