Frequently Asked Questions

Hypnobirthing FAQ

What is HypnoBirthing?

If you are someone who wants a method that guides and prepares you in giving birth in a peaceful and empowered manner, then HypnoBirthing is for YOU. It is a method that teaches you the psychological, as well as the physical, well-being of the mother, her birth partner, and the newborn regardless of where you are giving birth. It is the PSYCHOLOGY OF BIRTH. You will learn how to train your mind to stay in the "Healing Room" and to be relaxed and calm during every phase of labor. 

Is HypnoBirthing a Childbirth Education Class?

We understand that the name HypnoBirthing gives people the idea that we only focus on meditations etc. But that is absolutely not true. YES, we focus on how your mind and body function during labor. YES, we focus on how to stay calm and relaxed during labor. AND YES, this Childbirth Class focuses on everything you need to know starting with how to bond with your baby to knowing what options you have in the hospital, birth center, or at home. We also cover different forms of inductions methods (chemical vs. natural) as well as comfort measures, acupressure points, positions to labor in, positions to birth in as well as nutrition and the importance of chiropractic care and physical therapy to prepare for your birth. We even cover the postpartum stage. (What to do when you get home with the baby!)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

When should I start my HypnoBirthing Classes?

You truly can start anytime but ideally the best times would be between 18-32 weeks. By starting early in your second trimester you will have more time to practice the techniques you will learn in the class but it is NEVER TOO LATE to start. I have had someone take my class as early as 17 weeks and as late as 36 weeks. You will still find the class extremely beneficial!!

Will HypnoBirthing be useful to me if I decide to have a medicated birth?

Yes, ABSOLUTELY. HypnoBirthing will teach you the tools you need to be able to birth CALMLY, CONFIDENTLY AND POSITIVELY. Regardless of having a medicated, unmedicated or Cesarean birth. If medical intervention is required then I am convinced you will find yourself better prepared for ANY scenario. You will learn the tools to stay calm and to be in control of your body, thoughts and emotions. You will also be more informed on what to do in each situation because of what you learn in class. Remember, the ultimate goal of HypnoBirthing is not a completely pain-free childbirth (although that is definitely possible!). The goal is to have a happier, calmer, easier, more comfortable and more enjoyable birthing experience where YOU FEEL IN CONTROL.

Does my partner/birth companion need to attend the HypnoBirthing Class with me? What if I don’t have a partner?

ALL types of families are welcome in class!! You are encouraged to have one support person attend class with you. Majority of the time that is your partner but if s/he can not make it or if you do not have a partner then you are welcome to bring your doula, mom or anybody who is planning to attend your birth. With them present it will make a significant impact on YOU as well as them on their confidence in supporting you during labor and birth. They will be able to understand which phase of labor you are in and know what kind of support you need. However, it is not required. I have a lot of mamas who take the class without their birth companion and that is totally OKAY. OR, partner comes to a handful of the classes. I recommend the first and the fourth

Are classes covered by insurance?

Maybe! You can use FSA/HSA accounts to pay for class, and I also provide receipts with insurance codes to submit for reimbursement upon request. Call your insurance carrier and ask if your plan covers patient education classes.

Why choose a Hypnobirthing class?

You already possess an innate ability for calm and gentle birthing; Hypnobirthing simply teaches you how to unlock it. One of the best things about Hypnobirthing, is that you cannot fail at it! There is no “right” way to Hypnobirth. Regardless of where you plan to birth, what medications you do/do not choose, or the mode of delivery, this program will give you the tools to stay calm and relaxed no matter how your birth story unfolds. 

Will I be ‘out of it’ if I use Hypnobirthing?

No, absolutely not. My biggest complaint about HypnoBirthing is the NAME. It gives people the expectation that they will be “hypnotized” during birth, especially the way that the media portrays it!  You are not "hypnotized" during birth, especially in the way that the media protrays hypnosis. With Hypnobirthing (in fact, virtually all hypnosis), you are aware of what is going on around you but you can just ‘tune out’ the distractions and have completely relaxation. 

What is the difference between HypnoBirthing and HypnoBabies?

HypnoBirthing and HypnoBabies is like comparing Jiffy Peanut Butter to Skippy Peanut Butter. They are so similar that it is nearly impossible to know which is which. The class I teach is the Original HypnoBirthing Method. It was created by a woman named Marie Mongan. She came up with the whole concept. HypnoBabies was created by a HypnoBirthing Instructor. (She did exactly what I am doing) She used to teach HypnoBirthing and then went her own way and decided to create something almost exactly the same with MINOR differences (such as; verbiage and meditation tracks) and called it HypnoBabies.

What is the difference between HypnoBirthing and HypnoBabies?

HypnoBirthing and HypnoBabies is like comparing Jiffy Peanut Butter to Skippy Peanut Butter. They are so similar that it is nearly impossible to know which is which. The class I teach is the Original HypnoBirthing Method. It was created by a woman named Marie Mongan. She came up with the whole concept. HypnoBabies was created by a HypnoBirthing Instructor. (She did exactly what I am doing) She used to teach HypnoBirthing and then went her own way and decided to create something almost exactly the same with MINOR differences (such as; verbage and meditation tracks) and called it HypnoBabies.

Doula FAQ

What is a Doula and what is their value?

Doulas are TRAINED PROFESSIONALS who provide physical, emotional, and educational support to parents before, during and after childbirth. They are the ones that will help prepare you for birth so you feel confident and empowered! It is a common mistake for people to assume that Doulas are "expensive" rather than VALUABLE. Little do the majority of people realize how much heart, time, education, investment and love we put into what we are doing to support those families out there. Most Doulas continue to educate themselves in workshops, schooling, certification programs, etc. Doulas would not be doing what they are doing unless they loved it with their whole hearts.

I’m considering a doula. When is the right time to find the ‘one’?

Earlier the better. But that is not to say you can’t find one 3 weeks before your estimated due date. The positive about searching early on is that you have the time to interview multiple Doulas to see who you connect with and feel is a good fit for you and your birth companion. You want someone that makes you both feel at ease and gives you a sense of peace while preparing for one of the most important days of your life. It is okay if you do not click with a doula you interviewed! If you start the process early on then you will have time to find someone else. Plus by interviewing someone early on, you can make sure you book that doula before her schedule fills up. Some doulas are fully booked MONTHS in advance. Not to mention your doula can help guide and prepare you early on to have the best possible experience.

Is a Doula the same thing as a Midwife?

No. A doula provides no medical or nursing care. Since she doesn’t have these responsibilities, or other patients to attend to, she can give her complete attention to being by a woman’s side for the entire length of her labor.

Does the Doula replace the father or partner?

A doula does NOT replace anyone. She is another member of the birth team and supports everyone in their own role. A doula’s presence helps fathers or partners participate at their own comfort level, showing them how and when to use various comfort techniques, providing information, and in some cases, looking after them as well. Partners are often grateful to be able to share the “coaching” responsibility with someone more experienced  and can therefore enjoy the birth experience more. 

Can a Doula Help if a Woman has an epidural?

Yes. A doula’s presence is helpful during early labor and during the epidural placement process. She then continues to care for the woman and her family, offering emotional and informational support. And when it’s time to deliver the baby, the doula’s assistance can be invaluable.

Placenta Encapsulation FAQ

Do I need to tell my provider that I’m taking my placenta?

Yes, it’s great to give them a heads up in one of your prenatal appointments. Most birth locations make you sign a document for release of your placenta, your provider may have a copy for you to sign before arriving at your birth location.

How do I store my placenta until you pick it up or we drop it off?

It is your responsibility to bring 2 gallon sized ziplock bags and a cooler (I recommend either a sanitized one you own or a styrofoam disposable one). Let your provider and birthing staff know that you are keeping your placenta and they should help wrap it up either in a chux pad or a plastic storage container. Once wrapped, place it in a gallon zip lock bag (2 bags if it’s in a chux pad). Place the wrapped placenta in your cooler over ice. Make sure to keep the cooler filled with ice until we receive it. We pick up during regular visiting hours. (Your birthing team generally does all this for you, just make sure you have a cooler!)

When would they NOT allow me to take my placenta?

If a complication arises in which they need to send your placenta to pathology, you will not be allowed to take it. The other instance would be if you have Chorioamnionitis, an infection of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

Birth Photography FAQ

Will you use a flash or external lighting?

To get you the highest quality photos, a speedlight is usually required. We put it on the lowest setting and bounce it off the ceiling or the wall, it will never be pointed directly at you or at your baby. Most women don’t notice the flash at all. If you prefer no speedlight we can turn it off. Keep in mind that if we turn off the speedlight, there will likely be more grain or motion blur in your photos.

Will you take crowning photos of my baby being born?

Only if you want us to! We spend time before the birth discussing any specific moments you do or do not want captured. Crowning photos, and all other images, are not shared to our website or social media without your approval.

How soon will I get my pictures back?

We deliver your pictures within 3 weeks of you giving birth, and will often send a few sneak peaks beforehand.

How do you balance being a birth photographer and a doula?

We always have our camera close by and snap pictures here and there, whenever we see a moment you might want captured. This doesn’t impede our ability to support you physically and emotionally. At the moment of birth, there are usually several people surrounding and supporting you. This is typically where we as doulas take a step back, as to let the medical professionals do their job. We are almost always available to photograph the moment of birth.