Placenta Encapsulation in Gilbert

Preserve the nutrients from your placenta and enjoy the health benefits during your post-birth healing process.

What is placenta encapsulation?


If you are expecting the arrival of a new baby in the foreseeable future, you are probably researching all the latest information about how to keep you and your baby healthy through pregnancy, labor, delivery, and beyond. You may have come across the rising practice of placenta encapsulation. For many women, the first time they hear about placenta encapsulation it might seem strange. We know how important the placenta is, but what does it mean to encapsulate it?

Simply put, placenta encapsulation is the process of dehydrating the placenta, grinding it into a powder, and then storing that powder within small-dosage capsules, so that the mother can consume them. After placenta encapsulation has been completed, mothers take the capsules as part of their postpartum recovery regimen.


The Origins of Placenta Encapsulation

Here’s an interesting fact for you: humans are one of the only mammals that does not typically consume the placenta. But this is mostly a cultural phenomena. There are plenty of cultures around the globe that are perfectly comfortable consuming the afterbirth. That is why placenta encapsulation has been gaining prominence in western countries. Placenta encapsulation allows women to receive the rich benefits of consuming the afterbirth, without feeling as though they were leaving the hospital with a to-go box as well as a baby.

The practice of placenta encapsulation originates in China, where it is purported to have been practiced for many centuries as part of traditional Chinese medicine. Today, the traditional Chinese method of placenta encapsulation includes steaming the placenta to ensure the removal of any potentially harmful bacteria. However, there are those who perform placenta encapsulation while forgoing the traditional steaming, under the claim that steaming the placenta does remove some of the beneficial nutrients that are sought after during placenta encapsulation.

Enjoy the health benefits of placenta encapsulation in Gilbert

We can help! Reach out to get more details.

What are the benefits of placenta encapsulation?

While explaining placenta encapsulation may help you to understand why some women would choose it over more traditional approaches, here’s why some women are interested in consuming the placenta in the first place.

Consuming the placenta, whether through placenta encapsulation or other methods, does not currently have strong scientific backing to support any claims to its being beneficial. However, there are volumes of anecdotal accounts and testimonials praising the restorative effects of consuming the placenta. For many women, the postpartum weeks can be exhausting. Their body has gone through a very taxing event, and they are physically and nutritionally drained from the labor of creating another human body within their own. With placenta encapsulation, a woman can recapture many of the minerals and vitamins that were used in the placenta to help create her baby. Many women claim that consuming the placenta, whether through placenta encapsulation or other means, helps them to feel strong and invigorated once again. It has been claimed to help stave off postpartum depression and speed up the mother’s recovery.

One of the advantages of placenta encapsulation over other forms of consuming the placenta is that the placenta stays good for a far longer period of time than it otherwise would. This allows the mother to use placenta encapsulation to draw on that source of nutrition for weeks after delivery, rather than mere days.

Can I do my own placenta encapsulation?

Some women have more of a DIY sort of attitude than others. It’s not uncommon for expectant mothers to be curious about performing their own placenta encapsulation. While it is possible to do your own placenta encapsulation, it is not often recommended. Due to the particular risks and cleanliness requirements involved in preparing the placenta, it is wisest to allow an experienced professional to perform the placenta encapsulation. That way you end up with a healthy, safe, and natural way of boosting your postpartum recovery.

If you are curious to learn more about placenta encapsulation in Gilbert, reach out and get more information from someone on our team.